Finding engineering work quite un-challenging lately I decided to start
this blog in which to share cool ways of solving engineering problems or
just interesting modeling of natural phenomena in MS Excel 2003. I use
mainly cell formulas with minimum of VBA in order to take advantage of the
native excel spreadsheet speed. Hi, I’m
George Lungu, the admin of this blog. I do analog and mixed-signal electronics design and systems modeling
for a living.
So begins the
Excel Unusual blog, that just started to publish my friend Geo and certainly surprise
more than one, starting with me.
Yesterday included his first three contributions and have left me wondering,
also he attaches the files in Excel 2003 without hiding anything!
As just one example: A roller coaster in Excel 2003 created with a 2D scatter
plot. Math formulas are in the spreadsheet with minimal macro code.
This is the original page of George Lungu, from where you can download this
excellent "roller coaster":
Problema 2: Errores en la nube de OneDrive
🔝*To translate this blog post to your language, select it in the top left
Google box. *
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Mis metas son seguir superando nuevos retos en Excel y compartirlos en mi blog, para sacarle todo el poder a esta excelente herramienta multiusos, tan usada y a la vez tan incomprendida, para así poder mejorar nuestros conocimientos de Excel.
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