Anyone who has followed the previous posts will know that it is time that waves go out to the surface since, earlier this month, I planned this Perpetual Calendar project according to the 5 elements to improve the User Experience - UX, we've seen on this blog:
As mentioned, the result that the user sees is on the visual surface design of the application that interact to achieve the results you want, and we are looking for a Perpetual Calendar in Excel spreadsheets and here is its presentation in society:
Viewing this video you will see that a part of what has been achieved in this calendar has been done without the use of Excel macros knowing that can reach a wider audience, but if that was used all the power of Conditional Formatting - CF of Excel 2010 to make it more useful and striking, I hope I have achieved...
Something very important, that a software programmer should always keep in mind, is the internacionalization (i18n) and localization (L10n) of any software application, which is to say flatly that must be prepared to change easely the user's Native Language Support - NLS. To do this, all calendar cells contains date format, applying the appropriate mask turn into days of the week as Monday or Sunday, or months, like January or December, with the advantage of opening the calendar template in one language, the names of the days of the week or the names of the months of the year appear in that language, either in English, Spanish or Croatian. You only need to change the names of the worksheets and the titles, notes and tags to the user language to have the calendar in his language.
It is easy to test by changing the operating system locale in Windows click Start, Control Panel, click Regional and Language and Regional Options, selecting Croatian language. Now, when you open the Perpetual Calendar, the dates will be in that language. What you don't believe that? Look for yourself:
And the same with the sheets of each month, the mini-calendar and the events, holidays and diary dates. By the way, the Easter Week calculation and another celebration's dates have been included for some countries.
If you like it, you can download this Perpetual Calendar in Excel 2007 from here:
I've only shown the tip of the iceberg but, to spill the entire project to the surface, you should analyze by yourself the Excel formats and functions used to make this calendar. I hope it reaches many years or may become a perpetual one...
I know there are many things to improve but why do not you comment about it here?
How to change the fill and text color of the events and diary entries?
I explain in the next video how to change events' colors (dark green) only for Cal sheet:
Now is easy for you to change diary colors (dark blue) in all other sheets (12 months and Mini).
Hello, I am looking for a way to change the fill and text color of the events and diary entries using this excel calendar. Any recommendations? Muchas Gracias, Shawn
Pedro, think I am able to adapt your perpetual calendar but being fairly new to excel and all, would like to have the large one month calendar on a separate worksheet, that could be emailed, etc. separate from the entire work sheet. Also, is there anyway to have a date range e.g. from Oct. 10 to Oct. 14 and have it read and record that. Tx so much. Love your calendar!
Today I published a new Programmable Task Calendar for all who like calendars in Excel. You can choose a date range for a task and it is shown into the month and year calendar sheet. Enjoy it!
Hoy he publicado un nuevo Calendario de Tareas Programables para todos los que les gustan los calendarios en Excel. Se puede escoger un rango de fechas para una tarea que se muestra dentro de la hoja mensual y anual del calendario. ¡Disfrútalo!
Pedro, I like your perpetual calendar and want to expand the event list to about 300 entries. I'm not a power user and haven't been able to figure out some things. I noticed your drop down data list is located at rows 156 (=1) and 157 (=0). How do I move that with out breaking the operation. I'm using Excel 2007. Thanks.
To expand the event list to about 300 entries follow these steps: 1) Select Events sheet. 2) Select rows 155 to 398 and unhide rows. 3) Select range C156:C157 and cut (Ctrl-X) 4) Paste to C310 (Ctrl-V) 5) Select range A151:D151 and drag down until D301 using fill handle. 6) With the Name Manager change Eventos: =Events!$D$2:$D$301 Good luck!
In reference to #7 above, thanks Pedro. Moving the drop down source broke the drop down, but by going to data validation and referencing the new source location, C310:C311, I got everything working. Thanks again.
I am liking the calendar, very useful for work. Only running into one problem.
I am trying to keep track of birthday for all 80 employees, some of which fall on the same day. After entering them into the diary, only the first one is visible on the calendar view for dates that have more than one diary entry.
Is it possible to see 2 or 3 birthdays on the same day in calendar?
Thank you! I have tried to read all comments and make sure this question has not been asked before!
Hi pedro, is it possible to change the name of the sheets. For instance I want to change the name of the "Holidays" tab to "Tasks", is this possible without breaking the rest of the workbook?
Hi Dylan, yes it is! Besides changing the worksheet name, go to the Name Manager menu to change this Spanish reference by holidays: Fiesta ="Tasks!$B$" The same action is achieved with the "Diary" sheet. Learn how to do reading this: Manage names by using the Name Manager dialog box
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Mis metas son seguir superando nuevos retos en Excel y compartirlos en mi blog, para sacarle todo el poder a esta excelente herramienta multiusos, tan usada y a la vez tan incomprendida, para así poder mejorar nuestros conocimientos de Excel.
11 Response to "The Perpetual Calendar spills on the Surface"
Hello, I am looking for a way to change the fill and text color of the events and diary entries using this excel calendar. Any recommendations?
Muchas Gracias,
I added a video explaining how to change color of the events.
Try that and comment with me your results.
Pedro, think I am able to adapt your perpetual calendar but being fairly new to excel and all, would like to have the large one month calendar on a separate worksheet, that could be emailed, etc. separate from the entire work sheet. Also, is there anyway to have a date range e.g. from Oct. 10 to Oct. 14 and have it read and record that. Tx so much. Love your calendar!
Like your new calendar, however there does not appear to be a drop down to select dates, etc.
Today I published a new Programmable Task Calendar for all who like calendars in Excel.
You can choose a date range for a task and it is shown into the month and year calendar sheet. Enjoy it!
Hoy he publicado un nuevo Calendario de Tareas Programables para todos los que les gustan los calendarios en Excel.
Se puede escoger un rango de fechas para una tarea que se muestra dentro de la hoja mensual y anual del calendario. ¡Disfrútalo!
Pedro, I like your perpetual calendar and want to expand the event list to about 300 entries. I'm not a power user and haven't been able to figure out some things. I noticed your drop down data list is located at rows 156 (=1) and 157 (=0). How do I move that with out breaking the operation. I'm using Excel 2007. Thanks.
To expand the event list to about 300 entries follow these steps:
1) Select Events sheet.
2) Select rows 155 to 398 and unhide rows.
3) Select range C156:C157 and cut (Ctrl-X)
4) Paste to C310 (Ctrl-V)
5) Select range A151:D151 and drag down until D301 using fill handle.
6) With the Name Manager change Eventos:
Good luck!
In reference to #7 above, thanks Pedro. Moving the drop down source broke the drop down, but by going to data validation and referencing the new source location, C310:C311, I got everything working. Thanks again.
I am liking the calendar, very useful for work. Only running into one problem.
I am trying to keep track of birthday for all 80 employees, some of which fall on the same day. After entering them into the diary, only the first one is visible on the calendar view for dates that have more than one diary entry.
Is it possible to see 2 or 3 birthdays on the same day in calendar?
Thank you! I have tried to read all comments and make sure this question has not been asked before!
Hi pedro, is it possible to change the name of the sheets. For instance I want to change the name of the "Holidays" tab to "Tasks", is this possible without breaking the rest of the workbook?
Hi Dylan, yes it is!
Besides changing the worksheet name, go to the Name Manager menu to change this Spanish reference by holidays: Fiesta
The same action is achieved with the "Diary" sheet.
Learn how to do reading this:
Manage names by using the Name Manager dialog box
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