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Blogging platform comparison

Posted on marzo 17, 2010 by Excel Pedro Wave

What I'm going to type in this blog will serve as a user-centered design example, who user? the reader user, or you as the reader of this article to guide you answering questions like this:

What is the best platform to create a blog?

As at first I don't want to spend money, a condition will be to be pay-free. Another important condition is that the service must include the accommodation of the pages to will not have to ride your own server connected to the network 24 hours. But yes, the chosen platform must allow, at any time, migration to a publishing system with a custom domain and own accommodation, which may be at sea at the mercy of the waves, if Google launches Water-based data center patent floating platforms.

Then I prepared a table with the decalogue of the free functional features that I most value in designing a useful website, with the constant spotlight of user-driven blog:

(1)The ease of changing appearance, which is known as design templates that allow to be chameleonic in the colors and shapes to be attractive to a wide audience.
(2)The ability to modify site content and editing web pages with a template editor type WYSIWYG "What You See Is What You Get", making it more comfortable to know beforehand what will show to the end user.
(3)The incorporation of code of a third party (scripts) and programming devices, known as widgets, to be as versatile as possible and include special features and web services without much programming effort.
(4)The blog format compatibility in any updated web browser, because we can never force users to change their browser to see a website.
(5)The availability of the domain server for 24 hours x 7 days a week, for obvious reasons.
(6)The web search engine power of words and articles published on the blog.
(7)The possibility of translating or writing the blog in several languages.
(8)The control and moderation of anonymous comments, to prevent spam and malicious comments come in bad taste or are not politically correct, which may offend the sensibilities of the viewer.
(9)The control of advertising that the publisher of the blog want to show the reader.
(10)The subscription to the alerts service for new articles or posts.

To choose the best blogging service, will have to enumerate the list of free blogger platforms, accessible in most countries, in a related table with their main features obtained from different blog forums:

La Coctelerarrraarrrrr2
Full Blogararrrrara4
Blog Smithrarrraarrr3
Movable Typerrraarraaa5

As you can see, the best platform is, undoubtedly, Blogger with the highest score of the comparative well underpinned by Google and for these reasons I have decided to create this blog. Why readers not tell me if I have made a good choice and it meets the expectations set for improving the design of user-oriented blogs.

This table shows a blogging platform comparison from Tablefy:

Free Blog Software

From the hyperlinks in the table above you can see each studied platforms and you can even begin to create your own blog, for what it takes a little time and enough patience, but surely the result will be satisfying to readers if they pay a little attention to what has been said here and in upcoming articles.

Of waves generated by Google I will talk another day.

Now a joke about waves:
How a Scots (Lepe) man is distinguished in a football field? because is the only one that wears the float to do the wave.

Traducción al español aquí.

6 Response to "Blogging platform comparison"

1 .
JP Says....

I'm afraid I have to take issue with your assessment of WordPress.

Wordpress is well known for "the ease of changing appearance" -- in the WordPress arena it's called "Themes". Just like Blogger, it's extremely easy to change themes.

Although you're correct that doesn't allow plugins, it does allow widgets. Several different widgets are available, including stats and archives.

So is at least as good as Blogger.

In fact I would argue that it is better because it does not allow advertising, so you will see much less spam on than you would on Blogger.

2 .
Excel Pedro Wave Says....

I have to note that soon will do a year of my evaluation and maybe could be obsolete. A year is a long time in the blogging arena.

In my decalogue of functional features for blogging-platform-comparison the score for the (3) feature is checked if it allows both plugins and widgets, but WordPress doesn't allow plugins and therefore is not checked and has no scores.

Regarding advertising, I must say that both have the same points. With Blogger AdSense should not be used to avoid advertising on the blog but with WordPress unsolicited advertising sometimes appears.

I'm sure WordPress is better than Blogger in lot of aspects because I'm a blogger in these two platforms but, with the spotlight of user-driven blog, my comparison shows that Blogger is the best by the minimum score.

Thanks JP for sharing your wonderful entries in your "Code For Excel And Outlook – Learn VBA" blog.

3 .
JP Says....

Your criteria #3 doesn't say plugins AND widgets, it says widgets. So either you're not following your own criteria, or you are changing the criteria as you go.

4 .
Excel Pedro Wave Says....

My criteria #3 says scripts AND widgets.

When I speak of code of a third party, I'm including code writing in scripting languages like plugins.

Wikipedia - Scripting language

As you already know, plugins are composed of php scripts and are supported by web platform (plugins and widgets) but not by blog platform (only widgets)

Managing Plugins in

My comparison is only on blog platform which does not include plugins written in php scripts.

5 .
JP Says....

Pedro, it doesn't matter to me which blog software you like.

By the way, every link on your site has a popup window. I don't know if it's a Blogger feature, but it's a bit distracting.


6 .
Excel Pedro Wave Says....

OK JP! I greatly appreciate your comments.

Popup window is showed by a new application called Snap Shots

It's a way to give your users a more fun and interactive experience on your site or blog (TypePad, WordPress or Blogger)

To disable it, click on options in the menu bar.

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