Since some days ago I have the idea of having a
graphic image on the network to share my experiences in
user-centered design and the answer is this blog.
Being that my professional career is headed to new technologies related to
Graphical User Interface and having always worked in
Research and Development departments over the past 30 years, I can contribute my knowledge in software quality related to the
usability of computer applications.
International Organization for Standardization defines usability in
ISO/IEC 9126 as:
"Usability is the capability of software to be understood, learned, used and be attractive to the user, under specified conditions of use"
The basic principles of usability are:
-> Learnability: ease for new users developing an effective interaction with the application.
-> Flexibility: variety of possibilities that the user and the system can exchange information.
-> Robustness: the level of user support that facilitates the achievement of its objectives. It is related to the user's observation skills, information retrieval and setting of the task near to the user.
You must know that the development of graphical user interfaces has been increasing over the years to be a percentage greater than 60% of the cost of computer applications.
You see, yesterday I opened this place to interact with users of this blog that they want to read it from now.
To do this I followed some steps you should know. Today I will focus on the first step, deciding what
platform I must use to publish my articles.
I was tempted to create a
website and
register a domain to have complete freedom and authority over the site, but in times of economic crisis, I opted for free applications, hosted on
servers in the cloud, to which everyone can access without paying a monthly rent.
The initial aim is to show my articles to a large audience so I decided to create a
blog or web log, which is a website regularly updated and that collects chronological texts or articles from one or more authors, the most recent appearing first, where the author always retains the freedom to publish what creates relevant.
To improve the
learning curve there is nothing like using friendly interfaces and similar to those already known, so it is easy to understand that I've created this blog as a
blogspot, because wich I have sympathy for it the past two years, and has
Google's warranty.
In the next article I will comment on the template chosen for this blog.
Be good and see you tomorrow.
P.D.: Links
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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