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My new Excel calculator
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NOTICE: This calculator is designed for educational purposes and personal use. It is not a professional calculator and is provided “AS IS”, without guarantees or responsibilities on the part of the author of this blog. This means that the user assumes all risks associated with the use of this calculator.
My new Excel calculator is based on one I made 12 years ago.
In these two articles I explain the most relevant characteristics of the old calculator, that will help to understand how the new calculator is made:
This last article is in the TOP 5, since it has received more than 31,000 visits, being the fourth of the most visited articles on my blog.
This is the image of my new calculator made in Excel. If you want one, download it below.
The main features of this new calculator made in Excel are:
A) The pressing of the keys by 3 methods:
1) Using the virtual keyboard, being unchecked the Tooltips, a macro is called that detects the key being pressed. It is the elementary method, since all the keys call the same macro.
2) Using the virtual keyboard, being checked the Tooltips, creating the keyboard adds a different hyperlink for each key, using the method: Hyperlinks.Add. It is a more sophisticated method, since each key has a cell associated with it, that is selected with the hyperlink, and the selected cell change event launches the macro that detects the key pressed.
3) Using the physical keyboard, by pressing keys shown in parentheses when you hover over a key, bringing up the information in a Tooltip. For example, with the key 10^x it appears: Ten raised to x (SHIFT+X), so the physical key is the uppercase X. It is the most elaborate method, since a macro has been created for each key, which is called with the method: Application.OnKey
B) The dynamic creation of the calculator keys in 3 cases:
1) When changing the type of calculator, the actual keys are deleted and the new keys of the selected calculator are created. Initially there are 8 calculators in addition to the number 0 that serves as a presentation and help.
2) By checking or unchecking Tooltips, because it is necessary to create or eliminate the hyperlinks of each key.
3) When switching languages, if are checked the Tooltips, because the hyperlinks of each key must be created in the selected language.
C) Customizing calculator keys and recording a new one in 5 steps:
1) Select one of the existing calculators.
2) Disable the physical keyboard to be able to clear the keys with the key: Delete
3) Select and delete the keys that will not appear in the new calculator.
4) Change the size and position of customized keys.
5) Save the new calculator by typing a descriptive name.
D) The 8 features that make this new version of my calculator unique:
1) It is made in Excel with VBA macros, being compatible with desktop versions, from Excel 2010 to Excel for Microsoft 365.
2) Calculation results are viewed in a seven-segment display, being able to easily choose its color, by clicking on one of the colors in row 1.
3) You can see how each key is dynamically created when you change the calculator type, by checking: Floating.
4) The calculator is translated into 6 languages, being able to add more languages.
5) It is a touch calculator, if the screen is touch screen, being able to hide key groups by clicking on the below keys.
6) With 4 new keys to change the Zoom, making the calculator bigger or smaller.
7) With a new date and time key, with the year represented by: yyyy, in 3 different date formats:
- With the year ahead según ISO 8601: hh:mm:ss
- With the month ahead: mm.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss
- With the day ahead: hh:mm:ss
8) It is a scientific calculator in Floating-point arithmetic. It is the main innovation of this new version, since the old calculator only operated in Fixed-point arithmetic, being able to operate the new calculator with very small or very large numbers, like the one that appears in this image:
For numbers in scientific notation the notation E is used, with the same limits of the VBA language for the double data type:
- -1.79769313486231E308 to -4.94065645841247E-324 for negative values
- 4.94065645841247E-324 to 1.79769313486232E308 for positive values
If during any calculation these limits are exceeded, an overflow appears represented as: -E-
If the exponent is positive, it is represented only with the letter E, for example: 4.E3 is equivalent to 4x10^3
If the exponent is negative, it is represented by the letter E and the minus sign, for example: -2.E-3, equals -2x10^-3
In this video-tutorial I explain how to use this new calculator.
Select the captions in your language to understand the video-tutorial.
Download version 5.0 from one of these links:
- Microsoft OneDrive: Calculadora Táctil PW5.xlsm
- Sites Google Drive: Calculadora Táctil PW5.xlsm
The downloaded file's macros are blocked by default. To unlock the macros you must modify the Properties of the file following these instructions:
Macros from the internet will be blocked by default in Office - Deploy Office | Microsoft Learn
Open the file and press the button: Enable editing when the PROTECTED VIEW notice appears.
Press the button: Enable content when the WARNING appears SECURITY Macros have been disabled
The sheets are protected without a password and the VBA project is not protected, so you can study and analyze all the code. You can even modify it respecting the license:
Creative Commons — Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
I accept criticism and suggestions if you use and try this new calculator.
To improve this calculator I need to know its bugs, its deficiencies and their possible improvements and, if you give me feedback, I will thank you and I will commit to improve the calculator in future versions during the next few years, I don't expect so many to pass...
And so I finish the series of 4 articles on keyboards and their keys, which I have been publishing for more than a month, and which you can find at this link:
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