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Data Conversion 2: Chess Viewer Instructions

Posted on marzo 14, 2012 by Excel Pedro Wave

Chess Viewer Instructions

In the previous article I showed a chess viewer of games stored in Excel spreadsheets in algebraic format in 50 languages​​, including English, Spanish and graphic symbols of the patterns of white and black chess pieces: pawn, rook, knight, bishop, queen and king.

In this article we will learn to use basic and advanced mode.

Basic instructions for saving a chess game

In the sheet 'AlgebraicDB' you should input a new game in algebraic notation in the K column, as the sample games in columns A to J, and will be the game #11.

  1. In the sheet 'ChessDB', if the algebraic notation was in Spanish, enter a 4 in cell K2.
  2. Go to sheet 'Chessboard'
  3. Select game #11 with K1 cell.
  4. Choose the output language for algebraic notation, by example set 1 into K11 cell to show the shapes of the chess pieces.
  5. Increases the K10 cell counter to see the movements of the game.
  6. Decrease counter to undo movements.
  7. Try other controls of the board.
  8. Analyze the game and learns and progresses in the chess game.

'Game' sheet
The function of this sheet is to convert a chess game written in complex algebraic notation, with comments and variations, to a simple algebraic notation, only with the movements of each player.

Note: This sheet should be written only in cells with a yellow background.

If the chess game is written in several lines, it will be copied in cells I21:I50, a line in each cell. Into column J is the formula to concatenate these cells and convert multiple lines to one, which is achieved in J50 cell.

If the game is written in a single line, or after obtaining a single line in the J50 cell, is copied to D1.

In cells D111:D200 comments and variants are removed from the game content between two parentheses "(..)" or between two brackets "{..}" and the values ​​that begin with a dollar sign "$", getting in cell D200 and D2 only the moves of the game.

The game stored in D2 is converted into its individual moves in the range D3: D101, being the limit of 99 moves played by each player.

'NumericDB' sheet

Verifies the correctness of the conversion between algebraic notation and the number notation of the chess games stored in the database that consists of the 'ChessDB', 'AlgebraicDB' and 'NumericDB' sheets.

The movements are obtained in numerical notation into the 'Notation' sheet, in the range N6:O104. These numerical values ​​must be copied manually in the range E3:F101 of the 'Game' sheet for numerical notation G3:G101 which, in turn, must be copied into the column on the page 'NumericDB' for the corresponding chess game.

'Notation' sheet compares the obtained numerical notation 'NumericDB' in the range H6:H104 with the numerical data converted from the algebraic notation.

'AlgebraicDB' sheet

This sheet is the database of chess games in algebraic notation.

An stored game in each column, for example to column K are copied in the range K1:K99, a movement in each cell, eg into K1: 1. d4 Nf6

You can store games in any of the 50 languages sheet 'Languages​​' or in symbolic notation, such as "figurines" for example: 8.♕d2 ♘d7

'ChessDB' sheet

The information of the game is stored in this sheet, in the same column in which you saved the game on the 'AlgebraicDB' sheet.

In row 1 is reflected the number of the game.
Row 2 shows the language in which you saved the game in algebraic notation, with the number of language.
Row 4 includes a description of the game.
In rows range 5:22 is saved the data game, obtaining a summary in row 23.

'Languages' sheet

You can enter a couple of new more languages in columns AW and AX.

'Translate' sheet

Translates the algebraic format of the game, from the language in which is stored in the sheet 'AlgebraicDB', to the language selected by the user with the K11 cell in the 'Chessboard' sheet.

The conversion is based on an intermediate language, an algebraic notation with figurines that uses Unicode characters to represent the chess pieces, so they are independent of the languages ​​to be translated.

'Chessboard' sheet

This sheet is the graphical user interface of the chess viewer and includes:

  1. A chessboard of 64 squares numbered from a1 to h8, algebraically, and from 11 to 88, numerically.
  2. The black and white pieces in figurines that are formatted with Unicode characters.
  3. A chessboard with chess pieces represented by the letters of the algebraic notation language selected by the user.
  4. A chessboard with pieces symbolized by 1 to 6 for white and -1 to -6 for black.
  5. A chessboard with the numbers representing each of the 64 squares.
  6. Cell K1 to select the number of the database chess game.
  7. Cell L2 to select between numeric and algebraic notation.
  8. Cell K9 to choose the movement of each play.
  9. Cell K10 to see the original position of the piece moved in the last movement.
  10. Cell O10 to change the color of the squares on the chessboard.
  11. Cell R10 to rotate the board and change the player's point of view of the white and black pieces.
  12. Cell K11 to choose the language of the algebraic notation.

This last feature lets you view games in any of the 50 different languages, including algebraic notation in graphics figurines of the chess pieces.

What additional features would you like to see in the next version of this chess viewer?
You can tell me writing a post.

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