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Programmable Task Calendar

Posted on octubre 15, 2010 by Excel Pedro Wave

Now that you have started the school year and work for most, it is best to schedule the tasks on a calendar like that just I've prepared in Excel 2007.

When I'm designing Excel calendars, I always use the date format in cells to gain an advantage in handling of it (conversion to the days of the week, the names of the months of the year, transactions with dates, automatic translation, etc.), as shown in the following video which, although done with Excel 2010, can serve as an explanation for earlier versions, although many do not support all these conditional formatting:

This calendar can be translated into several languages, writing texts in the "Idiomas" sheet and searching them using the following formula:

being defined in the Name Manager:
Langs =Idiomas!$1:$1 (different languages in row 1)
Trans =Idiomas!$A:$Z (translations of each language in columns A to Z)

For example, to:
Idiomas!$A$19 = New Year (English)
It is translated by:
Idiomas!$B$19 = Año Nuevo (Spanish)

The language is chosen from the dropdown of the cell R2 in the "Cal" sheet: English or Español.
You can include more languages on the page "Idiomas" in columns C and following.

The hardest part has been Find the numbers of tasks into overlapped date ranges, but with the help of AyudaExcel forum members, I could fix it with this formula and without auxiliary cells, always searching only a limited number of overlapping tasks (solved for 4 task numbers):
Formula confirmed with Ctrl+Shift+Enter

I've scheduled in the calendar the holidays in Zaragoza and the United States, and such as tasks, the Fiestas del Pilar and you can add or delete feasts and tasks individually in the "Fechas" and "Tareas" sheets, respectively.

Download this calendar from here:

Calendario de Tareas Programables-PW2.xlsx

Calendario de Tareas Programables-PW3.xlsx

Calendario de Tareas Programables-PW4.xlsx

Update 03/12/2013: PW2 version of this calendar shows in the month sheet two events or anniversaries for the same day, marking the day with the color of the first event. The PW3 version shows until 5 events per day with the auxiliary columns G:K in the Dates sheet.

Update 09/19/2013: PW4 version shows task names in the "Mes" sheet.

To learn more about array formulas you can consult the pages of those two Excel experts: - Tables And Lookups
jldexcelsp - usar buscarv excel en listas

Traducción al español aquí.

7 Response to "Programmable Task Calendar"

1 .
Unknown Says....

Hi Pedro,
I love this calendar. I have 2 questions: under the dates worksheet how can you make an event only occur one time and not in subsequent years? Also how do I change the weekends color scheme? thanks you so much!
take Care,

2 .
Excel Pedro Wave Says....

Thanks Ritmarie, your words encourage me to continue.

In response to the first question, on dates (Fechas) sheet, copy D18 cell into the cell in column D of the row that has the date of the event to occur once.


To change the weekends color scheme, open Conditional Formatting and manage rules for sheets Cal and Mes (Month) changing colors in the last rules with formulas:

=WEEKDAY(B2,1)=7 for Saturdays and =1 for Sundays.

Tell me how you gone.

3 .
Unknown Says....

Hi Pedro,

This is great! It works perfectly. I appreciate the help. Since I am not an excel expert by no stretch of the imagination. One more question how do I get the color to fill in completely on holidays that fall on the weekend? Thanks!

Take Care,

4 .
Excel Pedro Wave Says....

Ritmarie, your last question is also about conditional formatting.

Opening Conditional Formatting Rules Manager, in the last column all "Stop If True" must be checked and you must know that rules order is very important.

The two rules containing the weekday function into formulas should be the last in the rules list to fill in color completely on holidays that fall on the weekend.

I hope that is clear.
Thanks for your comments.

5 .
Anónimo Says....

Buenos días:

En primer lugar muchas gracias por poner a disposición de todo el mundo estas plantillas que tanto nos facilitan a los que no sabemos de Excel. En concreto yo estoy usando una de Programable Task Calendar. Sólo me surge una dudilla que necesitaría resolver para poder adaptarlo a lo que necesito. Yo alimento la pestaña de fechas para poner eventos que tenemos en mi empresa, lo que pasa es que hay días en los que me coinciden varios eventos diferentes y no logro que luego salgan reflejados en el calendario mensual. ¿Hay alguna forma de cambiar la fórmula para que salgan varios eventos en un mismo día? Muchísimas gracias. Saludos. Esther.

6 .
Excel Pedro Wave Says....

Esther, muchas gracias por tu apoyo. He modificado la plantilla para mostrar dos eventos cada dia. Ya se que son pocos pero es mejor que uno solo.

La solución general de más de dos eventos por día es un poco más laboriosa (cuando tenga tiempo la abordaré) y pasa por usar las fórmulas matriciales que indico en los enlaces a estos dos grandes maestros, Chip Pearson y Jorge L. Dunkelman.

7 .
Excel Pedro Wave Says....

He subido la versión PW3 que, con la ayuda de columnas auxiliares, muestra hasta 5 eventos en el mismo día. Es fácil modificarla para incluir más eventos añadiendo más columnas auxiliares, aunque habrá que disminuir el tipo de letra en el calendario mensual.

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