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Learn Chess with Excel

Posted on octubre 26, 2022 by Excel Pedro Wave

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I've designed an Excel workbook that aims to help teachers and educators to teach how to play chess, with the help of Excel. And students, and those who don't know it yet, can learn chess with Excel, practicing the moves of the pieces, as well as playing chess games.

This way, my grandson can learn to play, and chess teachers will not get bored teaching the basic rules of chess to children and beginners. Each lesson contains theoretical topics and can be practiced on a chessboard, made with a single Excel chart, in which the pieces move according to the rules of the game, programmed with Excel formulas, without the help of VBA macros.

What I have dared to do is to program the chess rules with Excel formulas, insert the chessboard and pieces in an Excel chart, and create several lessons to teach beginners how to play chess, so I intend to make it easier to teach the game for chess teachers, who surely know how to use Excel, as it is much easier to understand than this complex game.

EXTRAS: You can play a chess game and record it, so that you can create your own chess game database.

This application allows you to learn chess in both English and Spanish, selecting the language with the drop-down menu in cell C5:

WARNING: Lessons will be heard in the default voice in Excel. When you change languages it will be necessary to change the text-to-speech settings in the Control Panel, and select a different voice in the language you want to hear. Voices cannot be changed from within Excel. And you can only choose one voice at a time!

By following these lessons you will learn how to play chess and you will also learn how to use this application. You will also be able to review games from chess history such as "The Opera Game". 

This version is much more advanced than the first Spanish version, which was designed entirely in Spanish, and which can be found here:

Aprende ajedrez con Excel | #ExcelPedroWave

I have to thank the selfless help of my friend Carlos Arroyo, a great scholar of English philology, who has revised the English translation. Of course, any errors found in the translations are mine alone.

Download Learn Chess with Excel

Download Learn Chess with Excel v2.1, in both English and Spanish versions, from these links:

This template contains macros and is not protected, so you can study and analyze its formulas and VBA code.

My video about Learn Chess with Excel

Watch my Learn Chess with Excel video:

Other articles on Chess

These are the articles that I have written so far about chess with Excel, which I invite you to read at this link:

chess | #ExcelPedroWave

Help me to improve this application, writing a comment explaining what comes to mind after trying it.

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