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Catch the Ball Game - Juego Atrapa la Bola

Juego Atrapa la Bola Este juego está totalmente diseñado en Excel con macros VBA y tendrás un minuto para atrapar todas las bolas que puedas mientras van rebotando en un rango rectangular de celdas. Este minijuego del verano se trata de hacer clic encima de la bola mientras se mueve por una hoja Excel. Las...

Power Query - multiple slicers (4/4)

This is the fourth solution with Power Query to transform a poorly designed table into a pivot table but with multiple repeating rows. In the following dynamic image you can see the 9 steps applied to transform the table. Fourth solution This fourth and last solution doesn't use a generic...

Power Query - multiple slicers (3/4)

In the previous post we saw a generic function that allows you to pivot a table in multiple rows: Power Query - multiple slicers (2/4) In this post we will see a second version of that generic function, as published by Cameron Wallace on GitHub: camwally / Power-Query / fNonAggPivotMultRows2.pq ...

Power Query - multiple slicers (2/4)

In the second solution to the problem of being able to insert multiple slicers in a table, we just use Power Query to solve it, being the first query equal to that of the first proposed solution: unpivoting other columns. You can read how to unpivot the original table in this link: Power Query Table...

Power Query Table to set up multiple slicers

A week ago I answered a question from the forum asking for help creating multiple slicers for a table like this: - multiple slicers I have a table of data with locations, ages, and skills in the left hand column. Can a slicer be set up for each data type?...

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